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Peri-menopause refers to the transitional time during which your hormone levels change, but before you stop having periods. Until your periods stop completely, any menopausal symptoms you experience can be described as peri-menopausal.  You will start to experience various symptoms, as detailed below.  As soon as a woman’s body starts the peri-menopause oestrogen levels decline, this means it is more difficult for bones to retain calcium, what you do during the peri-menopause will impact your health during the menopause and most importantly post-menopause.

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What is the peri-menopause stage?

The peri-menopause is the stage prior to starting the menopause. Every woman is different, and the effects of the peri-menopause will vary dramatically for individuals. Generally, periods will become irregular during peri-menopause, they may become heavier or lighter, they become more shorter or longer and the spacing between periods will change.  You will also show various symptoms, such as hot flushes and night sweats.

When does peri-menopause start and stop?

Women generally start the peri-menopause stage around 47, this is based on a woman entering the menopause stage at 51, which is the average age.  The peri-menopause stage normally lasts for about 4 years, but as you know this will vary for each individual woman, some may experience this stage for as long as 10 years, but this is the exception rather than the norm.

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What are the main symptoms for

The main characteristics of the peri-menopause include hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia, and vaginal dryness.  Aside from these major symptoms, other characteristics include mood changes: anxiety and low mood, headaches and migraines, trouble with concentration and memory.  Additionally, some women will experience weight gain, which becomes a major symptom during the menopause stage.

How can you help reduce the impact of

There are several lifestyle changes you can make to reduce the impact of the peri-menopause, these include: making food choices which contain specific vitamins to help combat symptoms; cutting out or reducing foods which trigger hot flushes such as spicy food, caffeine, alcohol and sugar.  Get more active, exercise will help combat weight gain amongst other benefits – link here. Use vaginal moisturisers and lubricants to avoid dryness. And of course the use of HRT.

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What support is available to help me?

Our guide ‘Lead the change in your life the natural way’ is full of guidance, tips and information to guide you through how to reduce the impact of the peri-menopause, menopause and post-menopause through diet.  If you need additional you can speak to a health care professional, a GP, nurse or pharmacist can give you advice and help, you can also find local support groups, start by clicking this link to the NHS 

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