Local food preserves green space and farmland this is essential for every country. Vital nutrients are preserved in local food, contain less or no pesticides and vitamins are not lost via long distance travelling. Also an important point to consider is the importance of supporting local farmers - which if we leave Europe without a deal - then local produce will become more valued and will help small businesses to thrive - local money circulates within the community.
Food that is grown locally normally has more time to ripen - thus it is more natural and more sun exposure means more nutrients and higher levels of antioxidants. Out of season food, although may look good, is far more bland than food in season.
Local food has a fresher taste and is certainly value for money also safer - small farms use less chemicals, and local food reduces CO2 emissions - find your local farmer!
Eating foods in season means that you are in harmony with the natural cycle of life. It is important to eat less processed food, particularly during the menopause, as this may lessen menopausal symptoms - make a concerted effort to eat fruit and vegetables daily - this will surely pay dividends.