Before going for a walk drink a glass of milk, it is important to bear in mind that for the body to properly absorb calcium, sunlight is necessary. Make the most of the summer months - Vitamin D, phosphorous and calcium make bones strong, so many people underestimate the importance of drinking milk during the menopause - it is essential for building hormones.
To avoid the blandness of milk try adding Nesquik (produced by Swiss company Nestle) which is available in three flavours chocolate, strawberry and banana, it can be purchased from most supermarkets and has been around since 1948, it contains Vitamins C and D, as well as thiamin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron and zinc - essential nutrients. Just add one teaspoon of Nesquik per glass of milk, this is sufficient - need to be careful of sugar content but contains no artificial colours, sweeteners or preservatives.