If having a night out or staying in and having a drink try and stick to 2 drinks, it is that third drink, and more, which is dangerous during the menopause. Yes, of course, enjoy your drink but do not let drink get a hold of you not at this crucial time in life when good health is vital. Cutting down on alcohol during the menopause will be worth it in the long run - as alcohol increases a woman’s risk of developing cancer. Willpower is crucial and be mindful of mixers.
Some basic facts:
Alcohol prevents the liver from producing glucose
Alcohol in blood affects both the heart and brain
Alcohol weakens heart muscle
Drinking too much alcohol will lead to heart disease
Over drinking on one occasion can increase the risk of a stroke
Drinking alcohol every day will produce a ‘fatty liver’
A fatty liver cannot work properly
The liver is the largest internal organ and has over 500 functions
The liver removes alcohol from the body - it is a detoxifier
Drink too much and the liver cannot cope this results in damaged cells
Drinking alcohol every day will affect the immune system
Tooth decay is common amongst daily drinkers of alcohol
Small amounts of alcohol daily can trigger disease
With age the body is more sensitive to the intake of alcohol
Alcohol can aggravate night sweats
Alcohol will reduce essential nutrients such as calcium
Think of your body, age, genetics, size and composition!