Why take Vitamin A during the menopause?
To prevent dry eyes, which affects about 60% of menopausal women out of which only 15% are aware that dry eyes can result from a deficiency or imbalance of oestrogen - it is one of the most common symptoms of the menopause.
Hormones can change the composition of tears causing eyes to become dry and itchy resulting in irritation and redness which consequently cause fatigue. This means cod liver oil, that old fashioned remedy which contains omega 3, is crucial.
Too much of anything is a bad thing
Dry eye is becoming more common as people are working in front of computers, sending texts looking at mobile phones, reading from kindles or laptops, in today’s world of technology the list is endless, but it is the staring at the screen for a long period of time which can cause eyes to become tired and dry, and for a woman going through the menopause eyes may become sore.
The human eye should blink about 15 times per minute – but this is significantly reduced when working in front of a screen; anything which is close to you reduces blinking, it is therefore, .
Steps to prevent dry eyes:
Wash eyelids with warm water a few times a day, eyelashes need water to remove dust and maintain hygiene.
Also massaging the tear glands can improve blood circulation and prevent a blockage of the tear-duct.
Dehydration during the day will aggravate the eyes and make them itchy, it is important to drink plenty of water.
Avoid wearing contact lenses and perhaps consider eye drops - artificial tears or an eye ointment (free of preservatives).
Foods rich in Vitamin A and Omega 3 will help ease symptoms.