One of our facebook members, Jane, shares her thoughts on starting the menopause with a uniquely positive view.
At the age of 55, I finally missed my period for a month and thought great I’ve hit the change - four months on and still no sign. I started my period when I was just 10 years old and feel completely liberated now, they’ve gone!
I’ve listened to so many friends and colleagues complain about it, feeling depressed and old, I was dreading it. However, I’ve taken a different approach and think it’s wonderful not to have to consider what clothes to wear and those special monthly panties! I don’t have to check the calendar to avoid certain dates for holidays! I’m not crying at silly things on tv a week before my period and I seem to have lost that rough look I used to get a couple of days before the dreaded ‘on-day’.
Of course, I’ve started the hot flushes, night sweats, sleepless nights and I’m aware of weight gain but all these symptoms are uncomfortable feelings they’re not actual pain or lifelong conditions – they will pass.
I read an article online about a series of women who hit success in their 50’s and actually believe they are now in their prime of life, it inspired me to think the same. I’m using ‘the change’ to positively change my lifestyle, I’m getting physically fitter and recently joined a Zumba class, I’ve started Italian lessons and walk in the countryside twice a week. I’m packing my days with new interests and activity. I’ve got a new hairstyle, promised myself a body massage each month and my daughter is helping me to revamp my wardrobe.
I’ve started taking evening primrose, reduced my intake of red meat and sugar as recommended and I’m going to review my complete diet next to see what’s good and what’s not.
So far, I’m feeling pretty good and optimistic about the future, let’s see what happens in the next six months!