The truth, at the best of times, can be a bitter pill to swallow but the fact of the matter is ‘the menopause is a natural stage of growing older’ - it is a major life transition and it certainly does affect emotions, which can make a woman feel more sensitive and depressed for obvious reasons.
However, sensitivity it is not a ‘weakness’ in fact sensitive people often make good leaders, but be mindful not to magnify situations. Change is unavoidable - it is life and these feelings of emotional ups and downs will eventually pass; but be on your guard!
Emotions may run high when people are stressed at work and tears are really unprofessional; so just be aware of how small things during your typical day, perhaps at work, which may irritate you - think of the people around you - as difficult as it sounds one has to put logic before emotions, do not be over-sensitive.
Try and be aware of what may trigger your emotions - take deep breaths, maintain composure, do not react quickly to situations - think - if you are really upset about something then take a break - being in control of your emotions is the key to good health!